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Can we help you?
  • Envoyez-nous un
    courrier électronique
  • Call at number
    +34 900 500 170
    From Monday to Friday (8 a 22h)
  • Visit our branches

Simulateur d'économie
  • Calculez votre capacité d'épargne en seulement trois étapes.
    Seulement disponible en espagnol et pour les résidents



Banco Sabadell  offers you a very interesting set of financial products and services, and with interesting discounts and lower commissions for being the manager of a company with which we have an agreement.

Consult our special conditions in the following products:

  • Bank card Shopping: you will enjoy a credit to finance your purchases in convenient instalments, without paying ever again any maintenance fee.
  • Advanced Salary: advance of one month of your salary, return period up to 6 months .
  • Salary Loan: if you directly deposit your salary, get a personal loan up to a maximum of 60.000€, at a preferential interest rate, without charging you origination fees or early cancellation fees. Plus, we offer a payback term of up to eight years.