Summary Risk Indicator applicable for the Sabadell Business Account, Sabadell Business Plus Account and Sabadell Business Plus Pro Account.
This number measures the risk of a product, 1/6 being the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest.
Banco de Sabadell S.A. is a member of the Spanish Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions. The maximum amount currently guaranteed by the aforementioned fund is €100,000 per depositor.
Business Solutions
The bank of experts in your business
We help your business grow with specialised solutions

Become a customer and for 6 months you can avail of:
The Business Plus Sabadell Account with no requirements1
More advantages:
Online Payment Facility with no arrangement fee or assessment. To have the funds you need available for the usual payments of the business. No need for explanations, online and immediate2.
Free Business Debit and Credit cards cards, with no issuance or maintenance fee.
NO fees for transfers in euros (including immediate transfers), both domestic and to EEA countries, via BS Online3.