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Products of saving insurances

Posem a la seva disposició una àmplia oferta diferenciada i especialitzada que s'adapta perfectament tant a les seves necessitats financeres, com el seu perfil de risc.

Perquè en Banca Privada, sabem que tan important com conservar el patrimoni, és obtenir d'ell la màxima rendibilitat possible, hem creat i seleccionat per a vostè un conjunt de solucions financeres orientades a cobrir les seves necessitats

Savings - investment insurance

Amongst the savings-investment insurances, we highlight our Unit Linked: Private Multiportfolio UL and Private Multi-investment UL , which enable you to obtain the highest profitability with excellent tax advantages.

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Discretionary Portfolio Management

Because we know that every customer is different, at Private Banking we offer a portfolio for every investment profile, and with the backing of one the best management companies: Bansabadell Inversión e Ibersecurities S.V.

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Specific products

En Banca Privada además de la gestión integral de su patrimonio, nos ocupamos de elaborar la estructura que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades financieras.

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More Products

At Private Banking we offer the broadest range of products with the aim of finding the combination that best suits your risk profile and your profit expectations. .

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