Each fund has its risk, which is measured on a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being the funds with the lowest risk and 7 the funds with the highest risk. It is important to bear in mind that category 1 doesn’t mean that the investment is risk-free.
Also, while the summary risk indicator is indicative of the risk of the fund, it may not constitute a reliable indication of the future risk profile, and there is no guarantee that the category indicated will remain unchanged, as it may vary over time.
Sabadell Prudente, FI, Sabadell Equilibrado, FI and Sabadell Dinámico, FI are registered in the CNMV with the numbers 4.375, 4.854 and 4.855, respectively. See the prospectus.
The prospectus, the Key Investor Information (KIID) document, where you will be able to obtain a more comprehensive description of the investment policy of each fund, and periodic reports are available to the public at Banco Sabadell branches, at sabadellassetmanagement.com and in the CNMV register.
The Sabadell profiled funds are non-complex MiFID products. The management company is Sabadell Asset Management, S.A., S.G.I.I.C., Sociedad Unipersonal, registered in the Spanish Companies Register CNMV no. 58, and the depositary is BNP Paribas S.A., branch in España, CNMV registry no. 240.